三通视镜(三通水流指示器) Three way mirror
三通视镜“规格尺寸” Specifications and dimensions
DN | 20 | 25 | 40 | 50 | 65 | 80 | 100 | 125 |
in | 3/4 | 1 | 11/2 | 2 | 21/2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
L | 145 | 189 | 234 | 278 | 278 | 308 | 308 | 364 |
H | 200 | 260 | 260 | 320 | 320 | 360 | 360 | 440 |
三通视镜“用途和结构” Purpose and structure
1. 三通视镜主要用于石油、化工及其它工业设备窥视装置,以观察设备内部物料操作情况;
Three way mirror is mainly used in the petroleum, chemical and other industrial equipment peeping device to observe the material internal equipment operation;
2. 材料有不锈钢、碳钢、衬里等。最高使用压力25kgf/cm2,允许介质温度为0~200℃。
Materials are stainless steel, carbon steel, lining etc.. Maximum working pressure 25kgf/cm2, to allow the medium temperature of 0~200 ℃.
3. 三通视镜玻璃材质为钢化硼硅玻璃,钢化硼硅玻璃色度温差为180℃。
Three way mirror glass is made of tempered borosilicate glass, tempered borosilicate glass color temperature is 180 ℃.
三通视镜“主要技术参数” Main technical parameters
Body material: carbon steel WCB, stainless steel 304, 321, 316, 316L, steel lined PTFE
Window material: tempered borosilicate glass, quartz glass.
Sealing material: nitrile rubber, ptfe.
Working pressure (MPa) ≤ 0.6
Working temperature: 0~200 ℃ (c)
我们的优势 Our advantage:
Factory for many years production of three mirrors, advanced technology, rich production experience;
The main products are glass pipeline view mirror (as the cup), through the mirror, three mirror, flat mirror, mirror box with neck, mirror, mirror. Mirror, American Standard, welding mirror etc..
Product materials are carbon steel, 304304L, 316/316L etc..
We can provide you generation by design or map processing.
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